Greenwatch uses advocacy as a tool in implementing its activities.

Advocacy tools used include:

  1. Networking with Civil Society Organizations;

    Greenwatch has partnered with key stakeholders on matters relating to the management and utilisation of the environment. Greenwatch is a member of the Network for Civil Society Organisation in Environment and Resources Sector (ENR-CSO Network).
  2. Using democratic mechanisms;

    Submissions to the Parliamentary Committees (Parliamentary forum for climate change and the parliamentary committee on natural resources), use of freedom of information, laws among others to achieve social justice.
  3. Public interest litigation

    Public interest litigation has been defined as any litigation conducted for the benefit of public or for removal of some public grievance.

    Greenwatch uses this tool to bring to notice, any action or activity that has, will have, or is likely to have negative impact on the environment and to raise or create awareness of the people's environmental rights.

    The major objectives of strategic litigation are:

    • To strengthen the existing legal framework/structure for the management of natural resources and environmental regulations that are under-utilized.

    • To re-define environmental rights.

    • To raise awareness and foster public discussion about crucial environmental issues.

    • Public interest litigation is however used as a last resort after all other possible avenues are exhausted in order to bring about pressure for social and legislative change. Although it is difficult to implement, strategic litigation has registered some success in the past years. Refer to cases under: Resource

  4. Information Dissemination/ Publications;

    Dissemination of information is aimed at providing the public and grass root groups with information on environmental rights, laws and policies that can help them participate effectively in decisions that impact on public health and environment in their communities. Greenwatch provides information on different environmental subjects/topics on a pro-bono basis to individuals, organizations etc.


    A Handbook on Environmental Law Volume I & II has been developed over the years to serve as a reference which we keep updating as new environmental laws and policies are amended and/or passed. An Environmental Law Casebook with recent environmental cases in Uganda and others from different jurisdictions in the region and outside in the field of environmental law has also been developed.