Uganda is most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. As temperature levels increase and rainfall patterns change, flood, drought, disease have become prevalent affecting Uganda’s economy and the livelihood of the people. 

To ensure that every Ugandan enjoys the right to a clean and healthy environment, Greenwatch works to achieving climate justice using the following strategies

  1. Enabling the recognition of a changing climate and awareness of climate change and all the issues related to it. This is done through research, community dialogues, workshops and trainings. 

  2. Strategic climate litigation. In 2012, Greenwatch instituted the first climate change case in Uganda, this matter is still pending in court. [ Case Files: Irene Ssekyana - witness statement.pdf, Dr Shuaib Lwasa - witness statement.pdf ,Written Statement of Defence.pdf ]

  3. Capacity building and education on climate change, climate justice, climate action and climate litigation

In 2009, Greenwatch conducted a three year project in partnership with the Environmental Law Institute (ELI) named: Adapting Biodiversity Governance in the Albertine Rift: Reforming law to account for climate change”. The project aimed at assisting countries in the Albertine Rift to improve the legal and institutional frameworks governing biodiversity so that they may be revisited to respond to the potential effects of climate change. The resource manual “Legal and Policy Tools to adapt biodiversity management to climate change” was developed by consultants from Greenwatch, DELC, Madagascar, Vietnam, ELI among others. In 2011, the findings were disseminated to participants from the Parliament of Uganda, academia, private sector, Civil Society Organizations, line government agencies and Ministries as well as practitioners in conservation.

In 2012, Greenwatch joined the global campaign initiated by Our Children’s Trust to address climate change on behalf of children through an international climate litigation campaign.

Climate Justice Related Resources including trainings, blogs, technical presentations from trainings and handbooks

Partner Organisations