Louise Slaughter an American politician elected to 16 terms as a United States Representative from New York once said, “Let’s clean up our environment, let’s clean up our bodies but most importantly, let’s not permit our babies of the future to be...
In the recent past, the world has received its fair share of climate change disasters ranging from effects such as global warming, destructive hailstorms, catastrophic landslides to deadly fires and swarms of locusts. Ecosystems world-wide have been...
On the 27th of April 2021, the Ugandan parliament in an unprecedented move, unanimously passed the National Climate Change Bill to tackle the climate change crisis in Uganda. The Bill intends to give force of law to the United Nations Framework...
On 6th November 2019, Greenwatch in conjunction with the Judicial Training Institute with support from Heinrich Boll Stiftung Nairobi organized the first judicial training on climate justice in Uganda. Among the objectives of the training was to...